The Real World

By Helen Schucman*

Helen Schucman ~ Scribe of A Course in Miracles

Where stars are formless but their light remains,
Its burning heat, and yet it still retains 
A gentle and eternal glow that keeps 
All things in peace and softness, and the rays 
From every living thing reach out to find 
All other living things, and on from them 
To their Creator; where, when petals fall 
And leaves decay, the scent and color of 
The flowers come, preserved forever fresh 
And lovely, and the song of birds remains 
Although their wings are still; here everyone 
Will come to rest, his journey almost done, 
And hears God's Voice acknowledging his Son.


by Martin Weber-Caspers [maz]

Maz SINGS Helen's poem beautifully, and sets them to his MUSIC.

CLICK image above to hear Helen's Poems

Love Song / The Risen Sun / Awaken in Stillness / The Glory Train 

*Maz is currently the voice for the Original Edition [OE] of A Course In Miracles, produced by SonShipRadio. Maz serves the OE so that it can be shared globally; and as chairman of the Curtis Knight Foundation he produces local radio programs, internet radio shows and other endeavors to promote and support co-creativity on a broader scale.

More MUSIC from MAZ


*Helen Schucman, scribe of A Course in Miracles, was also a poet who took
down several poems even while she was scribing A Course in Miracles. This poem "The Real World" was dated September 16, 1971 and is located in the section called:
I. Early Poems, in a book of Helen's poems titled, "The Gifts of God" published by the Foundation for Inner Peace [FIP]. The book is available through FIP, through the Community Miracles Center CMC and through Course in Miracles Society CIMS

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114